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Our land, rich of natural features, is mainly an area for agriculture. It is located a few kilometres from the Adriatic coast and from the mountains. In the historical centres and in the small rural villages it maintains an archaeological and naturalistic aspect of a certain interest. It offers to tourists a wide variety of choice:

Art cities, which there is the indelible seal of the Serenissima Republic of Venice in, are caskets which keep the precious historical and artistic witnesses. 

Venice, first of all it is an open sky museum which has to be discovered walking along its "calli" (small roads), "campielli (small squares) and "rii" (small streams). Not only it is a unique city in the world for its artistic richness, but it is also an extraordinary example of the activity of men and the natural landscape in the lagoon. The sea is at the centre of its existence. Everything tells about far sea basis, profitable trade, wars, great splendours, like the golden pieces of the Saint Mark's Basilica mosaic.
The arts have rescued the sea matters. The architecture, at the top of the churches, has recalled the model of the ship careen; the paint, in the typical colours of the water, found its distinctive elements, boast of painters of the Venetian School of the Renaissance: Tiziano, Bellini, Giorgione. Their works of art are taken care in the several museums of the city: the Galleries of the Accademia, the Correr Museum and the Museums of the Saint Mark's Square.
Treviso, protected by the ancient Venetian walls, can boast a monument asset of great value, as the elegant palaces in Piazza dei Signori, where you can see Palazzo dei Trecento of the XIII century and the Casa dei Carraresi, with its sober Roman front and the elegant mullioned windows with two and three lights, which today is the centre of important international art exhibitions.
The front of the medieval houses are of a deep relevance. They are painted with typical geometrical figures, sham fabrics or sham bricks, or with sacred allegoric and mythological compositions.

Sea resorts, such as the famous Jesolo and Caorle are the most well known internationally, together with Eraclea MareLido di VeneziaSottomarina and Chioggia. The sandy shores are very long and wide, whereas the sea grounds sweetly lower.

Jesolo is one of the most important attraction of the Adriatic sea, very famous for its fifteen kilometres of fine and soft sand, with a dolomitic origin and with the typical amber colour and for its pure water. Furthermore it is extremely famous for its night life with trendy restaurants and night clubs open till late night. 
Caorle is a beautiful town called the Venice in miniature. Its historical centre, among "calli" and "campielli", maintain a Romanic cathedral with the tower which dates back to the XI century.
Eraclea Mare is famous for its sea woods which opens on a wide and bright 3 kilometres long beach. The little dunes are very typical and covered by tamarisks.
Lido di Venezia, once attended by the European nobility, today is the ideal tourist place for whom wishes to combine the cultural tourism to a relaxing sea holiday.
Sottomarina is appreciated for its fine sandy beach rich in minerals.
Chioggia is called the Little Venice for the characteristics of the town in the ancient zone, very similar to Venice, which calls back the places told in the comedies of Goldoni.

Mountain resorts, which offer sceneries as the Dolomites, are among the most beautiful mountains in the world. It is a group of mountains among which the most reknown are: the Antelao, the Cristallo, the Le Tofane, the Tre Cime di Lavaredo, the Marmarole, the Marmolada, the Civetta, the Pelmo and the Cinque Torri.

Cortina d'Ampezzo, the queen of the Dolomites is considered one of the most beautiful places of the whole arch of the Alps and it is internationally famous both for the beauty of its nature and for the life-style. It is located in an area which has few equals in the world, at the centre of the Dolomiti d'Ampezzo among the tips of the Sorapis, of the Cristallo, of the Gruppo delle Tofane and of the Laganzuoi. The most important attraction that Cortina offers is represented by skiing which can be practised in the ski tracks included in the Dolomiti Superski.
Arabba proposes the great Tour of the Sella Ronda, whereas the Marmolada is fascinating thanks to the new skiing plants that includes more than 3.000 metres of ski tracks.

The hilly area, a UNESCO Wold Heritage site, can be seen from the Prosecco and Colli Conegliano and Valdobbiadene wines road, among the most important and renowned of Italy. It offers hills where everything is vineyard and among them you can see churches, abbeys, castles, towns rounded by walls and villas. As Venanzio Fortunato wrote in the VI century "this is the land where the vine flowers for ever", and it beats the time of the life of the inhabitants of this paradise through its natural cycle. 
The "Prosecco road" is the first example of the Italy for the tourist wine and food signs and was officially opened the 10th of September 1966.
Suggested tours:
The panoramic view of the Castle of Conegliano, where the most ancient School of Enology of Italy was founded in 1876; the frescos of the San Pietro di Feletto's Pieve (parish church) of the XII century; the Molinetto della Croda of Refrontolo, elected the isle of the Marzemino since there is produced this wine from dried grapes, the Refrontolo passito, which was cited in Mozart's opera Don Giovanni; the visit to Pieve di Soligo historical centre, rich of palaces with a Venetian style and a neoclassic church; the Cistercian Abbey of Follina, one of the most relevant example of late Romanic architecture tending to the Gothic in the Marca Trevigiana; the former factory Villa dei Cedri of Valdobbiadene, which dates back to 1800, where every year the National Sparkling Wine Exhibition is held. 

The Piave wines road, rich in historical and cultural meaning, represents the world of peasant with its strong values and the peculiarities of its rural landscape. The most interesting places are Oderzo and Motta di Livenza, along routes with splendid villas belonged to the nobles of the Serenissima Republic of Venice such as the Villa Lippomano in San Vendemmiano, the Villa Donà delle Rose in Mareno di Piave and the Villa Papadopoli in San Polo di Piave. Furthermore you can have marvellous views of the river Piave, of small church which hide precious paints as the S.Giorgio Church in Ormelle, which contains an important paint of the Last Dinner with prawns and red wine. You can also see small villages, jewels of the architecture like Portobuffolè, which formerly was a river harbour with a Medieval origin, and the astonishing Castle of Roncade.
In Oderzo, which has a Roman origin, we suggest you to visit the main square Vittorio Emanuele II, the late Gothic Dom and the city museum Eno Bellis, which encloses one of the most important archaeological archives of the Veneto region.
Motta di Livenza presents natural views and an architecture of deep relevance: the Dom, attributed to Sansovino, in the first part of the XVI century and the Madonna dei Miracoli Sanctuary, the symbol of the town, built at the beginning of 1500 by the Friars in the place where a miraculous apparition of the Virgin Mary occurred.
Finally we remind you that in Fossalta di Piave, where there is the headquarter of the De Stefani winery, in the summer of 1918 there was a strong battle between Italians and Austrians in which the enemy was able to pass the river Piave. In those days we can remember the heroism of the "Boys of the 1899" and of the American E. Hemingway which was injured along the river Piave where you can find a memorial Baptistery. 



DE STEFANI & Ristorante San Marco (Noventa di Piave)

DE STEFANI & Trattoria Alla Fossetta (Musile di Piave)

DE STEFANI & Locanda alle Porte 1632 (Jesolo)

DE STEFANI & Osteria San Marco (Venezia)

DE STEFANI & Osteria Da Giovanni (San Donà di Piave)



DE STEFANI & Sporthotel All'Ancora (Losson della Battaglia) 

DE STEFANI & Locanda alle Porte 1632 (Jesolo)

DE STEFANI & Regent's Hotel (Jesolo)

DE STEFANI & Fantinello Hotel (Caorle)

DE STEFANI & Falkensteiner (Jesolo)