Site Breadcrumb



  • 2 lb. 3 oz. mussels 
  • 12 lb. 3 oz. small clams 
  • 3 Italian sauce tomatoes 
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 bunch parsley
  • 1 piece of hot red pepper
  • 1/2 cup extra-vergine olive oil
  • 1 lb. 1 1/2 oz. spaghetti pasta
  • salt, pepper 

Carefully wash and clean the shells of the mussels and clams. Put them in a pot, cover it with a lid and hold it over high heat, shaking it regularly, until the molluscs have opened. Remove the meat from all but a few of the shells, which will be used to decorate the dish. Peel the tomatoes and remove the seeds. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces. Finely chop the garlic and parsley, shred the hot pepper and put all of those ingredients in a soup bowl. Baste with oil, salt and freshly ground black pepper. Add the shelled mussels and clams. Boil the pasta in salted water and, when it has cooked al dente, drain it and cool it in running cold water. Drain the pasta again, add it to the soup bowl and blend well. Allow the pasta to soak up the various flavors for at least one hour before serving it garnished with the shells from which the molluscs were not removed and some parsley leaves.