Site Breadcrumb



  • 2 lbs 4 oz lamb
  • 2 salted anchovies
  • white vinegar 
  • garlic 
  • olive oil 
  • pepper 
  • rosemary 1 stalk 
  • salt

Cut the lamb into equal-sized pieces. Sauté 2 bruised cloves of garlic in the oil in a frying pan, then put in the pieces of lamb and allow to brown over a moderate heat. Season with salt and pepper. Crush, using a pestle and mortar, the rosemary leaves with the washed and boned anchovies and half a clove of garlic; add to the mixture in the mortar a few tablespoons of vinegar. When the lamb is ready, pour this sauce over it, mix together and wait for the vinegar to evaporate. Then arrange the lamb in a warmed serving plate, cover with the sauce, and serve.