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  • 2 kg. of ox or beef
  • 2 litres of red wine
  • 200 g. carrots, 100 g. celery
  • 200 g. lard, 500 g. onions
  • sage, bay leaves, rosemary, black peppercorns, cinnamon, grated nutmeg, juniper berries cloves, extra virgin olive oil, butter, salt to taste.

Place the meat in a large bowl with the vegetables cut into pieces and cover with the red wine. Put in a cool place and let it marinate for 24 hours. When it is time to cook the meat, take it out of the marinade, brown it on all sides in oil and butter, add the vegetables and herbs, then add the marinade. Salt only after browning the meat so that it is sealed by its crust. Cook very slowly, in the covered pot, for about 4 hours. When done, take the meat out of the pot and put the liquid through the mill with the vegetables, adding a little cornstarch to thicken it so as to obtain a thick, delicious gravy. Serve hot.