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  • 1,1 lbs. pappardelle 
  • 1 wild rabbit (hare) 
  • 4 Tbs. olive oil 
  • 2 oz. pancetta 
  • nutmeg 
  • 2 Tbs. grated parmigiano 
  • Marinade: 1 cup red wine , 1 onion , 1 carrot , 1 celery stalk , thyme , bay leaf 

Prepare the marinade, cut the hare into pieces and marinate for 12 hours.Keep in a cool place. Prepare the sauce in a casserole with the olive oil and pancetta over a brisk flame, drain and add the hare from the marinade. Cook till browned on all sides, add the marinade, a pinch of nutmeg and continue to cook until the meat falls from the bone. Add beef broth if necessary while cooking. When done set aside and cool. Remove the meat from the bones. Pass the cooking liquids through a fine sieve. Put into a saucepan, add the hare meat and keep hot. Boil the pappardelle in plenty of boiling salted water. Toss with the hare sauce and serve with parmigiano on the side.