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“The year 2014 was a hurdles race, full of hopes and reversals. A difficult year, anomalous, where the experience of us producers, the value of vineyards in terms of exposure and terroir, the drainage of the soil and the quantity of grapes produced per plant, will clearly make the difference." observes Alessandro De Stefani.

A mild and rainy winter with a warm spring led to an early bud break, up to twenty days earlier than normal.

The summer, however, with its persistent rains and low insolation, has turned the tables lengthening the time of veraison and ripening of the grapes.

The absence of the North-African anticyclone left us exposed to a moist and unstable "Atlantic corridor", which is ideal for common fungal infections that we have well controlled. However this has led to a delay in maturation.
Our choice was clear and extreme: wait for the right degree of ripeness at cost of losing a lot of quantity. In fact harvesting by hand, we performed a scrupulous selection of the grapes, picking up only those perfect. The loss was considerable in amount and economically important. But the quality is our must to whom we will never give up for anything in the world.

The care of the vineyard this year was very important, especially the extreme deleafing to expose the grapes direct under the sun rays. The advantage in the framework of aromatic grapes is glaring.
Contained temperatures in the daytime and cool nights led grapes with a complexity and an overview of aromatic precursors of great value. The delay in the harvest and the extreme selection of the best bunches have then equipoised a year that at a cursory glance might seem of little value. But with so much effort and very high additional costs, we were able to produce wines with personality and depth.

The harvest in 2014 recorded a volume production decrease by 40% compared to the average of the last 5 years.

The white wines are aromatic, fruity and mineral, rich not only in acidity but also in finesse and freshness, with an alcohol content slightly lower than in 2013. Wines that the De Stefanis love, less "bold" and ready, but more mysterious and intriguing.

The red wines show a good amount of anthocyanins, responsible for the colour of the wine and aging potential, along with a wrap-around alive and well integrated tannins, balanced with freshness. Wines that we have to wait, give them time to mature, open up and give us those emotions which we are accustomed.
Patience, this will be password for the vintage 2014!

New Prosecco Gold Millesimato

New Prosecco Gold Millesimato

Alessandro De Stefani during a wine tasting

Alessandro De Stefani during a wine tasting