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The Colvendrame estate in Refrontolo is located in Veneto in the hilly area between Conegliano and Valdobbiadene, a UNESCO Wold Heritage site, north of Treviso and Venice at about 300 m above sea level. “Colvendrame” is the name of the hill where there is our vineyard and is in the "Colli di Conegliano" and "Prosecco di Conegliano e Valdobbiadene" D.O.C. wines area. 

In this estate in the second half of 1800 the De Stefani family started growing vines and producing wines, with such a fine art and a deep passion, that characterize our work even today after one century and a half.

The soil of this estate is particularly rich in clay, locally called “creda”. This clay enables vines to have a slow and costant release of water and nutrients they need, guaranteing their natural balance. This pedological features, together with the ideal climate and the wide changes of temperature between day and night, enable us to produce full bodied and rich wines, with an important carachter.